TS2430 2


Screeners from Tesab, Lippmann, and McCloskey Environmental

Screeners play a crucial role in material separation after it undergoes crushing. As the material is poured into the screener, screens with multiple holes facilitate the sorting process. The machine shakes the material, allowing smaller products to pass through the holes while larger ones stay on top. This efficient separation streamlines material for various applications. Screeners find applications in quarrying, crusher circuits, sand and gravel, coal screening, topsoil, and more. Stewart Plant Sales offers Screeners from reputable brands such as Tesab, Lippmann, and McCloskey Environmental.

Tesab Screeners

Renowned for high performance and durability, Tesab's products are engineered to last. Their screener range includes:

  • Tesab TS2430 2 Deck: Ideal for large capacity requirements in limited space.
  • Tesab TS2600 2 Deck: Market leader in 20'x5' screeners, offering high capacity with low operating costs.
  • Tesab TS3430 3 Deck: A triple-deck version of TS2430, providing more products with standard cross and fourth product conveyors.
  • Tesab TS3600 3 Deck: A triple-deck version of TS2600, exceptionally adaptable with adjustable screenbox angles.

Lippmann Screeners

With a legacy of over 100 years, Lippmann sets the industry standard for screening and processing operations. Their range includes:

  • Lippmann 520s-t 3 Deck: Delivers high-quality results across multiple products, suitable for various applications with adjustable screenbox angles.
  • Lippmann L622s-t 2 Deck: Among the largest and most productive screeners on the market, ideal for operations requiring high productivity and reliability.

McCloskey Environmental Screeners

Focused on waste minimization, McCloskey Environmental Screeners excels in the waste and recycling industry. The range includes:

  • McCloskey Environmental ER-155: Designed to use with large loaders, offering a 16ft target for minimal spillage.
  • McCloskey Environmental ER-230: Maximizes outputs with maximum efficiency.
  • McCloskey Environmental EDS-7000: Tailored for sizing shredded materials or fines removal.
  • McCloskey Environmental Flex Flow Screens: Designed to work seamlessly with other on-site equipment, perfect for applications where manoeuvrability is crucial.
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